February Update 21-02-2022

Dear neighbors,

A lot has happened again this past month with regard to the Bovenkerkerweg zone, of which we would like to inform you:


Feedback from the municipality at the neighborhood meeting.

The recording of the neighborhood meeting of December 16 is now online. If you did not attend the neighborhood meeting, you can view the presentation of the municipality via this link. Unfortunately, only the presentation of the municipality has been put online and not the entire neighborhood meeting.

The 200+ questions, suggestions and comments that we all asked during the meeting have now been answered by the municipality, you can find them here: https://denkmee.amstelveen.nl/nl-NL/projects/gebiedsvisie-bovenkerkerwegzone/1. As we are not fully satisfied with some of the answers, we will pass this on together with further suggestions to the municipality. If, after the meeting, you have submitted questions that are not included in the overview, we would like to hear from you. We would also like to hear other comments or reactions. To do so, please mail us at info@middenhoven-middenbouw.nl


Postponement of Memorandum of Principles (NvU).

Originally, the plan was to have the definitive Memorandum of Principles for the Bovenkerkerwegzone adopted by the Municipal Council in February 2022. However, this has been postponed until after the Municipal Council elections. The reason is that it is not logical that the current City Council adopts the Memorandum of Principles, while the new City Council has to decide on the details after the elections. In addition, the Municipality wishes to carefully balance out interests from involved parties. The aim is to discuss and establish the NvU before the summer of 2022. You can read the entire letter here.


We hope that we have sufficiently informed you about the developments with regards to the Bovenkerkerweg zone. If there are new developments, we will keep you informed. If you have any questions, would like to comment or give suggestions, we'd love to hear from you.


Kind regards,

Middenhoven Middenbouw