Building Framework Bovenkerkerwegzone Approved 29th of March 2023
Dear neighbours,
Wednesday evening, March 29, during the Council meeting, the draft ‘Nota van Uitgangspunten’ for the development ‘Bovenkerkerweg’ (NvU), with the adoption of three motions, was approved (click here for more information). This means that the framework for buildings along the Bovenkerkerweg is a fact. The municipality will now first work out the financial feasibility with the landowners/project developers. The area vision will then be further fleshed out with the participation of home seekers and residents of Middenhoven. The timeline for this is not yet clear. When asked, the municipality of Amstelveen indicated,
among other things, to keep us informed via You can register for this to stay informed.
Until now, as a neighborhood, we have been little involved in creating the starting points and there has not really been full participation. On January 18, a large number of local residents were informed of the contents of the ‘Nota van Uitgangspunten’ during the meeting in the GGD building, but it became clear that adjustments were no longer possible. That is why we now want to take a step forward and work out our wishes (within the NvU) and proactively offer them.
Help wanted!
This means that we as an action committee, now a group of about 10 local residents, need more enthusiastic residents. Residents who want to actively participate and talk. For example, we are thinking of local residents who have knowledge of and/or are handy in the field of registering homes and greenery on the islands, who have a relevant legal background, who can post articles on our website (during the holiday of our current web specialist) and/or want to talk about the next steps. If you are interested in contributing or if you have a question, please send an email to
We hope for many enthusiastic reactions!
Kind regards,
Middenhoven Middenbouw